Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy.

About Me

Who is this loser?

I'm Some Degenerate Furry on the internet that decided to buy a domain (Fair Warning to those who wish to check out my art galley)
I had no idea they were so insanely cheap, but regardless of what mistakes humanity made to lead to this moment. You're here!
So Please, sit down, and enjoy looking through this website made by some high functioning autist with a porn addiction, who spends a little too much time on the internet.
oh and remember that this is Just the internet and not to get pissed off if you see something you dont like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What is this website For?

If you're coming here, its for two main reasons. Either im showing you becuase im proud of it, or because you're here to look at the content.
For the most part, you're probably looking for the art, which in that case, have fun with the furry/MLP Drawings, god forbid you're my employer, or you recognize the characters i own. Oh well.
But otherwise, i host files on here, use this as a proxy, display my current game servers. All sorts of shit, it's mostly for fun, and updates on me,
Or whatever else really. Maybe if i had an online influence i'll even make it offical.
I may also post updates on technology projects, and the like, as you can tell by the asthetic, Windows XP makes my dick rock hard and my autistic ass special interest is old tech

Update Feed

Added Files Page 7/13/23 | 9:05 PM



Added the files page. Pretty simple. Not much else to say.

Added Server Page 7/12/23



Added the servers listing today. Right now the code does nto actually check for port acvitity in listed port, but im going to try to make it do so. Im honestly scared of javascript,
but its nice to learn how to do html by hand. Had a friend with dream weaver look over everything and he said he was impressed,
he took an actual class on this shit so im going to ask him to do the javascript for me, hopefully it goes well!

Website Creation 7/9/23



The Website was bought today. Or at least the domain. The very next day i spent the time setting up the routing to my home server,
of course, i eventually knew that was extremely unsafe, so for an investment of, what was meant to be 2 dollars at first.. turned 5 dollars with a bandwith limit because iosnos doesn't accept debbit.. :/
I managed to create a reverse proxy to link this host to my home server, and use it as a front for what you're looking at here!

it's the 11th now, as im writing this, and its very frustating, these windows tend to be a little.. finicky

Website is still currently under construction. Please stand by...